639Hz Resonator-Aikyam Heart Resonator (A sound bath at home)


A Sound Bath at Home!

We experience 639Hz as a Divinity Frequency. People tend to his frequency first in their heart, and then they feel it move up through the crown chakra above the head. This is an ascending unity energy flow.

Our 639Hz Heart Resonator

  • The crystal-toned frequency is recorded from pulsing a tuned crystal bowl.

  • Our unique audio circuitry is designed specifically for our tones and creates a full immersion experience.

  • Our cases are designed and 3D printed from PLA corn (renewable) in Ojai, CA.

  • 100% Hand-Crafted and Painted.

Each Resonator comes with a 6ft power cord, a USB power adapter, and a reusable insulated bag (great for carrying wine). 1-year warranty.

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Users of our 639Hz Resonators find the frequency helpful in:

  • Emotional Balance: People have witnessed this frequency help stabilize emotions, making it easier to express feelings openly and honestly.

  • Relationship Healing: This frequency can enhance communication, understanding, and empathy. People tell us that it has assisted with healing relationships and fostering deeper connections.

  • Unity and Harmony: Resonates with the energy of unity, helping to bridge gaps between people and cultivate a sense of collective consciousness.

  • Forgiveness and Conflict Resolution: Users in groups, people have experienced this frequency aiding in the release of pent-up emotions and promoting forgiveness. This frequency facilitates conflict resolution, promoting harmonious relationships (individual or groups).

  • Inner Peace: Through its heart chakra activation and emotional healing, 639Hzz can guide individuals toward a profound sense of inner peace, allowing them to embrace love and compassion with open hearts.

  • People have reported that this frequency encourages their cells and internal light to communicate and link with their surrounding environment.